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Hey there !
Happy to share, that now you can easily deploy your devlopr site using Firebase !
Click the Learn How for step by step guide 🥸

Yayee ! happy to announce this release - 0.4.8
devlopr is now migrated to latest ruby version (v.3.0.2) and bundler (v.2.2.9) which helps in faster build times and performance.
Also we released a new version for Deploy Jekyll Github Actions in Github Marketplace.
Github Action URL - https://github.com/marketplace/actions/deploy-jekyll-site
Repo - https://github.com/sujaykundu777/jekyll-deploy-action
Also some bug fixes and changes:
removed jekyll-menus gem since we no longer use it.
upgraded libff6 to

Now you can easily change your cover image just by defining your image's url in the config.yml. Some people were asking for this for a long time. Here it is with a brand new cover config change !
Update the following key "hero_cover_img" in your config.yml file 😀
hero_cover_img: cover.jpeg
Your image should reside inside this directory /assets/img or it can be any image url for eg. https://mywebsite.com/img1.jpeg
Also this change had involved us to abstract the hero section to _includes/hero for be

Happy to announce that we have added support for :
Added Release Notes support for Olvy.co
Contact form submissions support for Getform.io and Formspree.io
Contact Form Submissions :
You can now start taking contact form submissions easily , just edit contact.html accordingly :
For Getform :
Visit Getform.io -> Signup -> Get Form Endpoint
2. In config.yml -> Add the form endpoint like this
getform_endpoint: 83b703c3-9e47-4df4-ac55-e22dseb02abc
Edit contact.html and add the code :
{%- in